ISSSresearch is invited to run the workshop “STADTSCHAUM – die informelle Stadt” during the Experimentdays 2012 at the Experimentcity Camp in the UFA Fabrik in Berlin on Friday 21st of September 2012 from 17:00 till 20:00.
In this workshop the specific relations between informal urban practices and formal city development policies and processes are going to be explored for the Case of Berlin. This issue will be addressed on the basis of the STADTSCHAUM_process_matrice, an experimental representation on the relations between informal urban practices & spaces and economic, ecological, social and cultural urban crises situations, which was developed during the URBAN FOAM research project*.
This workshop is open to everybody who wants to join us on Friday 21st of September at the Experimentdays 2012 at the UFA Fabrik from 17:00 till 20:00.
(*) The URBAN FOAM research project in general is dealing with the question of the role of informal aspects in cities, including informal practices as well as spaces, for their sustainable urban development in the specific urban contexts of Istanbul, Berlin and Mumbai. All three of these cities were matter of an intense in-situ research, including Expert Interviews as well as Urban Explorations. In this project, ISSSresearch understands the informal practices and spaces as part of an permanently ongoing process of the production of urban space, inspired by the writings of Henri Lefèbvre. The results of the URBAN FOAM research project will be presented in the correspondent exhibition, curated and designed by ISSSresearch, in November 2012 in Berlin.